Hacker News

9 hours ago by goatsi

The last time this came up on HN it got quite a negative review from someone who had tried it on several sites: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19152145

It apparently attracted automated scanners and the signal to noise ratio was atrocious.

6 hours ago by aasasd

People here dislike HackerOne, but afaiu it solves this exact problem. It's the first line of ‘support’ for security reporters.

The fact that the industry currently needs this kind of solution is absurdly comedic. Basically, it would make actual sense to require people to pay ten bucks when posting a report—if they think the report is reasonable and that they would get paid for it.

5 hours ago by selfhoster11

I'd never enter in a paid interaction without some sort of escrow that will make sure I'm not screwed over for the crime of being a good citizen. The victim could just keep the cost of the report without ever refunding. Innocent people will keep getting caught by this even long after the company acquires a reputation for never providing refunds.

2 hours ago by aasasd

Since the escrow sees your report, it sounds like HackerOne.

HO will just create paid tiers where for a smallish subscription price, people actually take your reports seriously.

6 hours ago by tptacek

It’s a good platform, but it really doesn’t solve the time-sink problem, even if you pay for triage services. Triage can knock down well-known patterns of bogus stuff, but so can you; the real problem is the truly wacky stuff people come up with.

3 hours ago by fractionalhare

I can see and read the JavaScript source code if I intercept the requests! Please pay me $100.

3 hours ago by undefined


5 hours ago by Anunayj

posting your email in a not easily parsable way can save you a lot of spam. (rot13 it, break up characters, etc). Atleast that should cut most of the spam. This might be not standard, but I do not really see why we would need security.txt to be parsable by robots.

3 hours ago by orionblastar

I just use GNUPG and encrypt it.

7 hours ago by kjrose

This would be my concern. It seems like a really good tool to attract the attention of bad actors.

6 hours ago by mike_d

security.txt is a flag that you may have a bug bounty program, and as a result are a potential source of revenue.

It is time arbitrage between big companies taking security seriously (willing to pay large bounties) and that amount being higher than a monthly or yearly wage in some internet-connected regions. If they throw enough nets into the sea all year, eventually one pays off and they end up living quite well.

6 minutes ago by superkuh

What does it mean when I enabled this on my personal (for fun) websites years ago on a whim? I don't have a bug bounty program.

6 hours ago by __throwawy9

Putting all of these files at root is going to be like have old rusty cars and stained mattresses in front of your house years from now.

The web is not a junkyard.

4 hours ago by dmurray

The proposal is to place the file at /.well-known/security.txt.

And even if it wasn't, there is plenty of namespace room to put every file someone argues for in a 2-page RFC at root. After all, there are only 1024 low-numbered TCP ports and we haven't run out of those yet.

11 hours ago by djcapelis

The beautiful part of these is they show exactly what happens with these types of files, in that only one of them implements the spec as linked.

(Expires isn’t optional in the proposal on the website.)

10 hours ago by politelemon

Their own security.txt also fails to do this


> # If you would like to report a security issue

> # you may report it to us on HackerOne.

> Contact: https://hackerone.com/ed

> Encryption: https://keybase.pub/edoverflow/pgp_key.asc

> Acknowledgements: https://hackerone.com/ed/thanks

5 hours ago by fakename11

I bet these "expired" security.txts will become more common than unexpired ones in the near future. Updating a date every year sounds annoying.

9 hours ago by nwcs

10 hours ago by enw

In fact I think requiring an expiry date is a huge negative of the spec and will likely hinder adoption.

An expiry date brings along with it yet another maintenance burden for questionable benefit.

10 hours ago by ylyn

Well, the spec only recommends that the date be no further than a year into the future.

So if you really don't want the burden, just set a date in the year 9999 or something.

8 hours ago by jensenbox

I was literally going to craft a file and plop it on my site until I hit the "required expiration". I understand why it is there but think it should be optional. I think a better idea would be to steal from DNS and use TTL and serial numbers (maybe just standard http last-modified is enough?) - the point is "this stuff might be stale, reprocess it".

The last thing I need is one more thing to have to remember and update.

By the looks of it, a few others feel it is non-critical and have just skipped it too.

an hour ago by JamisonM

Seems like a better solution that would accomplish the actual goal would be "refresh-after" where you could specify how many days a client should wait until asking again.

Zero maintenance required but still gives a rate-limiting and time window function.

3 hours ago by JimDabell

> I think a better idea would be to steal from DNS and use TTL and serial numbers (maybe just standard http last-modified is enough?)

HTTP already has an Expires header: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.3

9 hours ago by n_u_l_l

Expires was optional until draft 10 (August 2020)

8 hours ago by not_knuth

Your comment made me think about using Google Search in a more alternative way to figure out who is hiring at a glance:


Edit: If one is not up for the 2min it takes to parse some publicly available list.

6 hours ago by mttpgn

Facebook and LinkedIn do as well (but Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Yahoo, Netflix, Stackoverflow & Salesforce do not).

13 hours ago by nicbou

I'm not sure I buy into the idea, but it couldn't have been sold any better. That security.txt generator is such a great way to get people on board. The whole website is really good at explaining the project.

13 hours ago by IgorPartola

It’s cute but it generates a five line plain text file. I would argue that a better way to sell the idea would be to create an Apache and nginx module so you could specify this stuff from those config files. It would make adoption seem easier to more people.

12 hours ago by mjthompson

Serving a 'text file' from a web server module seems to overcomplicate things in my view.

More code || complexity == greater likelihood of bugs (including security bugs).

As ironic as a security bug in a security.txt serving module would be, it's probably best we avoid that possibility and let the ordinary, highly scrutinised file serving code handle it instead.

5 hours ago by IgorPartola

If you want adoption, make it so easy that it’s harder to not include it. If you run an application, it will take lines of config to serve this file anyways. Might as well make it easy. And if you can’t make a bug free module that writes out 5 lines into a static file… probably shouldn’t be defining web standards.

11 hours ago by coolreader18

I think the text file generation is great - it is a standardized "syntax", so being able to just fill out your info in a webpage and getting the .txt to upload to a server (instead of having to "learn" the couple of keys to use for your values) really does make it painless.

6 hours ago by dec0dedab0de

That would make things much easier especially to have the expiration date automatically update. But also to set a default for all sites on a server.

It would also be nice to have libraries for the popular frameworks

5 hours ago by IgorPartola

Yes! Make this a Django app and I will use it by default. Make me add it as a text file and I’ll forget to add it.

12 hours ago by danaris

A lot of people have web hosting packages that don't give them direct access to the webserver configuration, but do let them upload arbitrary text files to their webroot.

5 hours ago by IgorPartola

Nothing prevents you from writing this file by hand. But for people who use shared hosting having a security.txt file is likely not as important as companies that run their own infrastructure. And adding yet another file to be deployed into the web root or to be served by your application is likely a touch more work than enabling the module and adding a line or three to the web server config. None of it is a lot of work, but in a sense using the web server’s config file is a lot less friction.

11 hours ago by aasasd

One aspect that is not reflected in this format is that the site/company might have a specific routine for reporting vulns. When I happened to write to Node (iirc) about some potential problem, the mail was just redirected to HackerOne, converted to some kind of a draft, and I got an automatic response saying I need to create an account there. In true marginal-nerd fashion, I have some opinions on which of my email addresses go where, so the account remains uncreated and the problem unreported by me. And Node didn't specify anywhere that this reporting works through HackerOne.

(I also realize that this comment is probably not the right place to complain about the format, but eh.)

10 hours ago by Y_Y

I'd have responded the same way.

I'm not creating an account just to do someone else a favour.

I will send an email and that's it. If you don't have an email address then you're not getting a message from me.

It's disappointing how frequently this comes up.

8 hours ago by yarcob

Yeah, worst part is when some support engineer asks you to please post the bug to a bug tracker, but the bug tracker requires an account, and when you try to sign up they make you wait for someone to review your account, and at some point you wonder if these people ever get a single bug report from a customer.

10 hours ago by aaronmdjones

This is what the Policy: key in the format is for.

6 hours ago by aasasd

You're right, that would work.

Though the UX designer in me thinks that if the policy is important, it would be better to put in up on a webpage and slap that into the ‘contact’ field—as a neighbor comment suggests. At least when the whole process turns out to sidestep email completely.

8 hours ago by sedatk

You can put a URL on the contact field.

7 hours ago by aasasd

Ah! Indeed, I missed that alternative.

12 hours ago by achillean

This is already used by quite a few organizations/ websites:


We've been indexing it for a while now and we haven't seen the number of websites that support it change significantly. It would make notifying organizations easier if this was a more widely-adopted standard. This is how it looks like when you pull an IP that has a service with that file:


12 hours ago by nwcs

(One of the authors here)

Make sure you read through the actual latest draft (especially section 6): https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-foudil-securitytxt-11

Also, we are in the end stages of the IETF approval process so this should be official later this year (if all goes well): https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-foudil-securitytxt/

10 hours ago by geekone

why is there no expires field on https://securitytxt.org/.well-known/security.txt

11 hours ago by Old_Thrashbarg

Strangely, the draft just shows up as an empty page for me in Firefox, but Chromium works fine.

11 hours ago by pmh

It's likely some kind of caching issue. tools.ietf.org at responds with the draft, but 404s

10 hours ago by jwilk

11 hours ago by nocman

It did that for me at first, but it was due to my impatience.

I tried again and waited, and after 10 or 15 seconds, the page finally loaded.

4 hours ago by mekster

That's not impatience, the page is broken, unless your network is super slow.

11 hours ago by aembleton

Same here, but the it started working once I opened Developer Tools and refreshed the page.

13 hours ago by cmsefton

Not sure if there's something new here, but this has popped up before on HN.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19151213 (2019) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15416198 (2017)

14 hours ago by loloquwowndueo

A top-level security.txt sounds like a better idea than hiding it under .well-known. I wouldn’t want anyone without access to the web server’s root to be telling me what the security policy is, anyway.

Having it at top level makes it a sibling / analogous to robots.txt so there is some consistency to the pattern.

13 hours ago by willeh

`.well-known` is already used for validation for many things, perhaps most crucially acme-challenge which is used by LetsEncrypt to issue domain validation certificates. LetsEncrypt is trusted by all major browsers at this point so it seems that the consensus is that .well-known must be kept secure at any cost. So even if you disagree with `.well-known` it must de facto be kept in the inner-most ring of your security model.

13 hours ago by thaumaturgy

Right, which is why putting this file under .well-known is a small inconvenience.

It's increasingly common for server configurations to have a reverse proxy routing requests to internal containers or servers. Things like SSL renewals are often handled by the reverse proxy (because reasons [1]), so those requests don't get routed to the internal hosts by default.

Site-specific stuff, like this file, probably belongs in the site's root directory.

This is a bit bike-shedding though. It's only a small aggravation to work around.

[1]: Because you want to automate as much of the configuration as possible, so when a new hostname is added to a container or internal server, an SSL certificate just magically happens for it. This requires changes to the reverse proxy's configuration, and that's not something you want the internal containers doing, so it falls to the proxy to handle these itself. Letting the containers handle their own SSL setup means you have to have some kind of privileged communications channel from the container up to the reverse proxy, which is undesirable.

13 hours ago by remram

The problem is when there starts to be many "site-specific stuff". It's easy to remember not to route .well-known to user-generated content in your app. It's less easy to remember a list of endpoints, like robots.txt, security.txt, and so on. And what when that list grows? What if you already have a user called "security.txt" (or whatever the next one is)? This is why a .well-known prefix is valuable.

12 hours ago by loloquwowndueo

My point exactly - validation usually involves write permissions to put a challenge or something else as required by the protocol (ACME in your example). If I put the security.txt file there and certbot gets compromised, there goes my security policy. Putting security.txt up one level so only root (I.e. me) can update it allows me to keep .well-known writable by robots only.

13 hours ago by undefined


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